I can't believe that 2008 has come and gone. It was an exciting year full of changes for us. Of course, Griffin has changed in every way over the past year. At the end of last year, he had just begun sitting up by himself. Now he is walking, running, trying his best to jump, and climbing absolutely everything in sight. Last year, he was only babbling. Now he is learning new words every day and is really starting to communicate with us. And my favorite thing--this year he is able to really give hugs and kisses! I can only imagine how many new things he will learn in 2009!
Happy New Year!
Griffin & his brothers
Merry Christmas!
We had a wonderful (and busy) Christmas. We started the celebration on Sunday evening with dinner and presents at Pop and Chan's house.

After naps for Griffin and Harper, we went to Mimi's house for more presents.
Griffin enjoyed climbing over the gift boxes almost as much as he enjoyed opening them to find out what was inside.

On Christmas Eve, we went to church with my family and then to dinner with Matt's dad's side of the family. Here is Griffin on Great-grandmother Bebe's lap and reading with Great-Aunt Lacy.
On Christmas morning, we stayed home and played with everything that Santa had brought. Griffin loves his new chair that Santa brought him.
Then Weezy, Mamere, and Great-Grandad came over with more presents. 
A little while later, Mimi, Papaw Al, Aunt Holly, Uncle Jason, Harper, and Aunt Heidi also joined us for Christmas brunch. Griffin and Harper took a time out from the festivities and sat down in the hallway together.
It was a full (but fun) couple of days. We are so lucky to have all of our family so close by that we are all able to get together without traveling (with the exception of Aunt Heidi who came in from Orlando where she is going to school).
Pictures with Santa
I'm behind on my blogging again--we actually took these on December 10th, the day after Griffin turned 18 months. He didn't cry when I sat him on Santa's lap, but he did have to check him out and make sure that he was okay.

Santa won him over with the book and he was content to stay in his lap...but he wouldn't smile for anything.

He never did smile while he was on Santa's lap. This is the only picture that captured a smile...and he didn't know Santa was peeking around the tree behind him.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Our next stop was Aunt Patricia and Uncle Ralph's. Maya and Chance, two of Griffin's cousins, were there. Griffin loves to play with "big kids" so he was loving all of the attention from them.
Then we went to Weezy's house for dinner. Griffin's great-grandparents, Mamere and Grandad (Matt's names for them), spent the evening with us. Griffin enjoyed his first real Thanksgiving meal. He had a couple of deviled eggs (he loved scooping the yellow part out with his spoon, but he didn't want anything to do with the white part) and some sweet potatoes. He started out eating the sweet potatoes with a spoon but quickly decided that they were more of a "finger food."
Thanksgiving Eve
I had the day off work, so Griffin and I spent the whole day together on Wednesday. We went to Long's Drugstore with Aunt Holly and Harper for a pancake breakfast. After we had finished eating and put the babies coats back on, Holly and I were paying the tip and gathering up our bags. I knew Griffin had gone over to the door and was looking out the window. The next time I looked over, he and Harper were sitting in opposite corners of the doorway. It was so funny that I had to run out to the car and grab the camera.
After breakfast, we took Griffin and Harper to class at The Little Gym. It was nap time after that so we headed home for a while. Once Griffin got up from his nap, he and I picked Mimi up from work and went to the Fantasy of Trees. Griffin's eyes got huge as soon as we entered the convention center and he saw all of the lights. I let him get out of his stroller and he climbed into a couple of the display areas--the ones with trains and stuffed animals were just too much to resist! I heard a couple of other parents comment to their kids that "you're not supposed to do that" but he was so cute that I couldn't help but smile (and take pictures!).
He went on his first carousel ride and was quite in awe when his horse started going up and down. 
He did have a little meltdown while we were there, but having a cookie with Mimi fixed that.
Happy Halloween!
I know I'm a bit behind on my blogging, but life has been more than a little hectic lately. And even though I'm sure you're all out of Halloween mode and have moved on to thoughts of Thanksgiving and Christmas by now, I just had to share these pictures. Isn't this the cutest little pumpkin you've ever seen?
Griffin's friend Wyatt (the jester) came over to trick-or-treat. We went to Aunt Holly and Uncle Jason's house so we could see Harper (the cow). On the walk over to Harper's house, we met up with Weezy who had a box of Teddy Grahams for Griffin.

After we left Harper's house, we stopped by to see Pop and Channa. Griffin is checking out the treats that "Chan" put in his treat bag.
Pop is acting like he's going to get Griffin--I doubt Pop could tickle him too well through the pumpkin costume, but it still made Griffin giggle.
Our final stop was at Mimi and Papaw Al's house. Griffin had fun sitting on the porch and watching all of the big kids who stopped by for treats. He also had fun riding his firetruck up and down the sidewalk and all around the house. Mimi also had some special treats for him--animal crackers and goldfish.
What a night for a toddler!
Halloween Party
Pumpkin Picking
Go Dawgs! Sic 'em!
Griffin wore his red and black to school yesterday in anticipation of the UT-UGA game this weekend. Matt and I will be going down to Athens for the game, and Griffin will be spending the weekend with Pop and Channa. 
Although his vocabulary is pretty limited right now, he can say "dawg" (and yes, he actually pronounces it with the "aw"). In fact, it's probably the word he says most often after "momma." Of course, that's because we have two dogs that he loves...but he did get excited when he saw Uga VII on TV so I'm hopeful that I'll be able to turn him into a Dawg fan even though he is surrounded by Vol fans most of the time.
Griffin's 1st Tailgate
Griffin had fun tailgating this past Saturday before the UT-Northern Illinois football game. Here he is enjoying some raisins. Animal crackers and juice were also on the toddler tailgating menu.
The planes flying overhead provided endless entertainment throughout the afternoon.
Griffin took his Daddy on a walk around G10 to see who else was tailgating.

15 Months Old
Griffin turned 15 months old today and we had his well check-up this morning. At his 12-month visit he was 23 lbs. 10 oz. (61%) and 29 1/4 inches (30%). Today he was 25 lbs. 5 oz. (62%) and 31 inches (48%). Certainly no one would call him "thin," but he is starting to even out a little bit!
(He also isn't wanting to sit still for pictures these days so I had to catch him on the move.)
Griffin got a boo-boo
I knew with a boy that we were going to have plenty of bumps and bruises, lots of skinned knees, and probably a broken bone or two along the way...but I wasn't expecting Griffin's first black eye at 14 1/2 months! 
Griffin always wants to stand up in the bathtub, and I am constantly sitting him back down and saying "Griffin, please put your bottom down." Well, last night he started to stand up and before he got all the way up (and before I could grab him and sit him back down) he slipped and fell into the side of the tub. He quickly got a bruised puffy spot on the corner of his eye. I was afraid that by this morning his whole eye might be swollen shut. Luckily, it isn't nearly that bad...and it obviously doesn't seem to be bothering him that much!
First Haircut
I've been debating for a few weeks whether or not it was time for Griffin's first haircut. His hair had gotten quite long over his ears and was starting to flip out at the ends. I didn't want him to be the only boy in school with a "bob" so I decided it was time.
Here's a picture of the "before"...
We took him to a barber shop where they have a little tractor for kids to sit in during their haircuts and they give them animal crackers. Griffin was so good--I wouldn't say he sat perfectly still for Natasha (the lady barber), but he was quite content to sit there and let her do whatever she wanted to do to him.
Here's a picture of the "after"--he definitely looks like a little boy, not a baby. It's a little shorter over the ears than I'd like but, as Matt keeps reminding me, it will grow back!
Happy Birthday Brody!
We went to Brody's 2nd birthday party tonight. I never got a great picture of Griffin with the birthday boy, but here are a few pictures of the little ones enjoying the festivities...
This is Griffin with Wyatt, Ben and Marnie's little boy. They were having fun checking out all of Brody's toys.
Griffin was having fun playing "balloon volleyball" with some of the bigger kids. That's the birthday boy in the red shirt in the background.
Brody was showing Haley, Griffin, and Wyatt the bubble machine that he got for his birthday.
It doesn't happy very often, but we did actually manage to get a picture of the three of us together. Griffin is showing a little shoulder in this picture--his outfit was a little too big, but he had to wear it for the party since it had a firetruck on the front and Brody LOVES trucks!
This is Griffin with Wyatt, Ben and Marnie's little boy. They were having fun checking out all of Brody's toys.
Road Trip
We spent this past weekend in Atlanta visiting friends. On Friday night, we went to dinner with Drew, Heidi, TR, Liz, Ryan, and Heather. It was Griffin's first time at a hibachi restaurant and I don't think he knew quite what to think about all of the flames. He wasn't scared, but he wasn't really excited either--he was just very wide-eyed the whole time.
On Saturday, Griffin and I met Mimi, Aunt Holly, and Harper for a baby shower for my mom's goddaughter Betsy. (pictures are coming soon)
We spent Saturday night at Greer and Jonathan's house. It was Griffin's first time meeting their 8-month old son Myers. Griffin was excited to have so many new toys to play with, and Myers was entertained just watching Griffin crawling and cruising everywhere.

On Saturday, Griffin and I met Mimi, Aunt Holly, and Harper for a baby shower for my mom's goddaughter Betsy. (pictures are coming soon)
We spent Saturday night at Greer and Jonathan's house. It was Griffin's first time meeting their 8-month old son Myers. Griffin was excited to have so many new toys to play with, and Myers was entertained just watching Griffin crawling and cruising everywhere.
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