I had the day off work, so Griffin and I spent the whole day together on Wednesday. We went to Long's Drugstore with Aunt Holly and Harper for a pancake breakfast. After we had finished eating and put the babies coats back on, Holly and I were paying the tip and gathering up our bags. I knew Griffin had gone over to the door and was looking out the window. The next time I looked over, he and Harper were sitting in opposite corners of the doorway. It was so funny that I had to run out to the car and grab the camera.

After breakfast, we took Griffin and Harper to class at The Little Gym. It was nap time after that so we headed home for a while. Once Griffin got up from his nap, he and I picked Mimi up from work and went to the Fantasy of Trees. Griffin's eyes got huge as soon as we entered the convention center and he saw all of the lights. I let him get out of his stroller and he climbed into a couple of the display areas--the ones with trains and stuffed animals were just too much to resist! I heard a couple of other parents comment to their kids that "you're not supposed to do that" but he was so cute that I couldn't help but smile (and take pictures!).
He went on his first carousel ride and was quite in awe when his horse started going up and down.

He did have a little meltdown while we were there, but having a cookie with Mimi fixed that.