The night before Thanksgiving, we converted Griffin's crib into a "big boy bed." It's really like a little daybed, and he was very excited about being able to get in and out of his bed all by himself. Of course, he got out a lot of times when he didn't mean to. In the first few days, between 3 nights and 2 naps he only managed to stay out of the floor one time. The good news is that rolling out of his bed and onto the pallette (and sometimes even off the pallette and onto the rug or hardwood floor) didn't seem to really interrupt his sleep! And he very rarely rolls out of bed these days, but that is at least partly due to the fact that I have made a barrier with a rolled up sheet and stuffed animals along the length of the bed.

We're also making a lot of progress with potty training. We've been letting Griffin take the lead so far, but we're trying to get more serious about it now (although he's still ahead of my expectations since I'd always heard that boys are harder to train). He wears Lightning McQueen Pull-ups to school every day. We have bought Lightning McQueen, Mickey Mouse, and some other underwear, but we aren't quite ready for that yet. Here he is showing off his "big boy pull-up."

And yes, he's a huge Lightning McQueen and Cars fan! Anytime we talk about him growing up, he asks, "I'm growing up? I'll be bigger than Lightning McQueen?" And he really is growing up--he's about 35.5 inches tall now.