Harper turned 3 on Friday and celebrated with a Princess bounce house party on Saturday. It was a rainy afternoon, but luckily the rain let up long enough for the kids to get to bounce for a little while. Griffin was ready to jump right in, but Harper wanted me to get in and hold her. (Since I was in the bounce house jumping, too, I didn't get any pics of the birthday girl jumping.)

For her princess party, I thought Harper needed a special princess cake so I made her this castle cake.

Aunt Heidi sent Harper a big present from Los Angeles. It was a very neat princess castle, and even the boys were quite interested in it!

We stuck around a little while after the other guests had left because Griffin wanted to play with Harper and her new toys, specifically the castle and the "blue princess" (he doesn't know any of their names, but he had no qualms about playing with a princess as long as she was wearing blue).

Here's a rare photo of Griffin and Harper with Mimi and Papaw Al. It's not a perfect picture, but it's quite a feat to get two toddlers to sit still long enough to even get a picture!