On Saturday, my two little monkeys turned 9 months old. I can't believe that we'll be celebrating their first birthday in a few short months. They are growing up so quickly and changing every day! It's so fun to see them interact more and more with each other and with us and Griffin.
About Baylor
Baylor is very strong and really doesn't like to be still for long. He isn't crawling yet, but he stays up on his hands and knees for a long time and occasionally rocks hard enough to propel himself forward or backward a bit. He has just started kind of inchworming his way around a little. He loves to stand up and it's sometimes hard to make him sit down if he doesn't want to. He is getting more personality each day, smiling and talking more. I tease him and say that it's because he got tired of me always saying that Hudson was the smiley baby. Baylor has also been clapping a lot lately, and the clapping is usually accompanied by an excited "aaaahhhhh..." About Hudson
Hudson is happy and very expressive. He has been full of smiles almost as long as he's been in the world. Everywhere we go, people always comment on what a happy baby he is. I love when he wrinkles up his nose when he smiles. And on the rare occasion when he isn't happy, singing If You're Happy and You Know It will quickly bring on the smiles. Hudson is also very talkative and a great cuddler. He also LOVES to eat! He will eat any baby food we offer him, and he always cries when it runs out. The funny thing is that he actually starts crying as soon as we start scraping the sides of the bowl, even if he still has a few bites left, because he knows that means it's almost gone. Hudson isn't making as much progress as Baylor on the crawling or standing, but he knows how to roll around to get what he wants.
Even though people are always asking us if Baylor and Hudson are identical, we really don't think they look much alike. Here is a picture of big brother Griffin when he was 9 months old--I think he looks as much like each of the babies (except chubbier and with significantly more hair!) as they do each other.