Griffin and Baylor had fun on the carousel, but Hudson still wanted to play it safe and ride on the bench.
On Saturday, we went to breakfast at Long's and then to Mayo's to pick out our Christmas tree. The boys were more excited about this Smokey statue they found than they were about finding the perfect tree!

On Sunday, December 1st, the boys woke up to cinnamon rolls and all of the gingerbread house supplies. We also started the advent calendar and Griffin's first surprise was a Lego character which is what he is holding in this picture. These are packaged so that you don't know which character you'll get--it turned out to be the Abominable Snowman, whom Griffin had never heard of before. Griffin decorated his big Candy Cottage that I had bought at Fantasy of Trees last year, and Baylor & Hudson decorated two smaller ones that I ordered after using the big one and deciding that it was one of the best products ever!
Elgie, our Elf on the Shelf, also showed up on December 1st. He thought Griffin did such a good job on the gingerbread house that he decided that's where he would land when he came back the next day.
We decided to forego the professional pictures with Santa at F32 that we've done for 5 years straight. Instead, we just made sure we got a cute one of all the boys with Santa when we went to Ms. Sherri's annual "Cookies with Santa" party on Wednesday, December 11th.

On Sunday, December 22nd, we went to Pop & Chaz's for dinner and presents. All three boys got new UT hats and Baylor & Hudson quickly put theirs on before digging into their other gifts. really into Legos so Pop & Chaz got him three new sets as well as this "Lego-head" for storage.

After breakfast and presents at our house, we went to Mimi & Papaw Al's house. This picture was taken when we first got there, but Baylor is already looking tired!
After we finished up at Mimi and Papaw Al's, we went home for a much needed nap for the little boys and some quiet time for everyone else. That evening, Weezy came over for dinner and gifts. Every time I asked Baylor & Hudson what they wanted for Christmas, Baylor said "Buzz" and Hudson said "Woody." They never gave me any specifics and they never gave me any other answer. Well, Weezy came through with Buzz & Woody lovies, t-shirts, and dinnerware. Griffin's big present was Skylander Swap Force for the Wii, which had been a late addition to Griffin's Christmas list (after Santa had already finished his shopping!).
Bebe and Lacy also stopped by after dinner. Lacy brought two boxes full of clothes for the boys. By the time this picture was taken, Baylor & Hudson had both changed out of their Christmas shirts and into two of their new shirts and Griffin had put on the robe that was a gift from Harper.
Aunt Lacy gave us a Dollywood season pass for a gift and we decided to make our first visit on December 28th, It ended up being a pretty chilly day and it started drizzling later that afternoon, but we managed to stay warm and squeeze in some fun before the weather ran us off (we sought a few minutes of shelter in the arcade and played a little air hockey and skee-ball). We're looking forward to more visits this spring and summer when it's a little warmer!
We spent New Year's Eve with our friends Sarah & Bo and their two kids, Brody & Anna. We were home by about 9:30 to get the kids in bed, but I almost stayed awake until midnight--I looked at the clock at 11:45 and then again at 2:00! On New Year's Day, Holly, Jason, Harper and Hollins came over for dinner--Matt smoked his first Boston Butt on the Big Green Egg that was our present from Pop & Chaz, but it was a pizza dinner for the kiddos.