At the end of the party, Harper gave Griffin a birthday kiss--aren't they precious?!

Since he was officially old enough today, Griffin started his day with a "workout"--he went to Toddlercize, an exercise class for 2-3 year olds at my work. After that, he played at the kiddie pool and then he and I swam together in the big pool. After exercising and swimming, he was ready for a special birthday lunch. We went to Chick-fil-a where he got his very first kid's meal. He got yogurt as his side item, but he thought it was ice cream and was very excited to eat every bite!

After Griffin's nap, Daddy came home early from work so we could all go to the zoo. It was a great zoo trip--it wasn't crowded at all and a lot of the animals came up really close to the fence or glass. Griffin loved watching this Gibbon...and I think the Gibbon must have enjoyed watching Griffin because he stayed right there at the glass for the longest time. 

This white Bengal tiger also got very close, and Griffin was very interested in it until it roared at us a couple of times. The first roar was a small one and it just startled Griffin a bit. The second time he roared very loudly and it scared all 3 of us. Unfortunately, I just missed getting that one on video.

After the zoo, we went to Mr. Gatti's for a pizza birthday dinner. Yum, yum!

After a full day of fun, Aunt Holly, Uncle Jason, and Harper came over to join us for birthday cake. Griffin blew out the candles (it took a couple of tries to get them both out) on the beach ball cake that had sat on top of a sheet cake for his party.

What a fun day! And I bet Griffin sleeps well tonight! Happy Birthday sweet boy!
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