Griffin and I both had Spring Break the week of March 19-23. We spent Monday-Wednesday in Wears Valley with Aunt Holly, Uncle Jason, Harper and Hollins. On Monday, we went into Pigeon Forge for some shopping. Tuesday was a beautiful spring day so we were able to get out for a hike at Laurel Falls with all of the kiddos.

We have done this hike several times before--with Griffin in the stroller when he was little and last August with Baylor and Hudson in their Baby Bjorns. This time, Griffin and Harper hiked together like the big kids they are becoming and the babies (Hollins included) rode in their strollers.

After hiking, we went into Gatlinburg for lunch at Smoky Mountain Brewery and then putt-putt at an indoor play center where we could manuever the course with the strollers. Luckily, we were playing inside because by the time we were about finished with our round some pop-up thunderstorms had moved in. Matt walked to get the car, but there wasn't a place for him to pull over to pick us up in front of the putt-putt place (and loading 3 kids into the car isn't the speediest thing). So, pushing the double stroller and with Griffin on my back, I ran up the street through the pouring rain to the nearest hotel where we could wait under the cover until Matt could get there. I caught some funny looks as well as a "Go, momma, go!" cheer from a man hanging out on a covered bar patio.
Back at the cabin, we filled the jacuzzi with bubbles for Griffin and Harper to play in since the weather was keeping us indoors for a while.
Both nights, we grilled out and then made s'mores for dessert (if you can actually call them that since Griffin liked his without marshmellow and Harper liked hers without graham cracker).
Griffin and Harper were excited to have a "slumber party" together on the pull-out sofa.
On Wednesday, we went to Cades Cove for a picnic. Griffin and Harper played in the creek--they didn't seem to mind, or even notice, that the water was still freezing!
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