We went to the doctor on April 17th for the babies' 1-year check-up. Baylor weighed in at 21 lbs 12 oz (35%) and measured 28.5 inches (10%). Hudson weighed in at 21 lbs 8 oz (30%) and measured 28.75 inches (15%). Baylor has more than quadrupled his birth weight of 4 lbs 15 oz. These boys obviously like to eat!
Here is a picture of Baylor the day he was born...

and one taken on June 15th.
Here is a picture of Hudson when he was 4 days old...
and one of him on May 28.
Look how little his head was in my hand in the baby picture.
Not any more! This toddler head is in the 90th percentile!
Since I'm behind in getting this posted, I'll add some milestones from the past two months. On Friday, April 27th, Hudson took his first steps. My mom and Matt were both here to see the first few. When I got home from work that afternoon, the boys had just woken up from their naps. Matt got Hudson out of his crib and stood him up and he took about 5-6 steps to me.
On Monday, May 14th, Baylor took his first steps. Baylor actually has the better balance of the two. He will stand himself up in the middle of the room (without pulling up on anything) and will just stay there for the longest time. Baylor has reached all of the physical milestones first--rolling over, sitting up, pulling up--but Hudson is definitely ahead of him in the walking department.
Hudson continued to take a few steps here and there, usually from me to Matt and back when we would prompt him and help get him steady before turning him loose. But on Monday, May 21st, Hudson decided he just wanted to walk. I was in the floor playing with all 3 boys after work, and Hudson just kept going back and forth from our couch to the ottoman on the other side of the room.
Baylor still wasn't doing more than a few wobbly steps at a time until Friday, June 8th. Pop, Chaz, and Lacy were over and Baylor walked across the room to get to Pop. Over the weekend, he did it a lot more and has almost caught up to Hudson in a matter of a few days.
Here is a picture of the boys in their new Elmo jammies. As much as I dislike Walmart, I occasionally have to go there for something...and these were an unexpected find on my last visit. The boys both really like to watch Sesame Street, read How Big is Elmo? and Guess Who, Elmo, and play with the Elmo Live toy so I was so excited to find these!
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