Yes, I'm a little behind on my blog (again)...
I started composing this post over the summer, shortly after Griffin's 6th birthday. However, I never finished it and then the blog got pushed to the backburner when I went back to school in August and was also coaching cross country on top of keeping up with my 3 boys. But this past Monday was Griffin's half birthday and that spurred me to finish my post.
Here is what I started back in June...
I really can't believe that Griffin is six! Since we were coming back from the beach on Saturday, June 8th, we had a family party on Sunday afternoon (his real birthday) and waited until the following Saturday to have his friends' party.
We had a Star Wars theme for the family party, and I surprised Griffin with this R2-D2 shirt that I painted. I also made an R2-D2 cake and decorated with all of the Star Wars toys and items he'd accumulated over the last several months.
We had an Art Party at Michael's for his party with his friends. Everyone painted t-shirts and made glue suncatchers before decorating their cupcakes. Because I was helping out so much with the art projects, I really didn't do a very good job of playing photographer during the party. Here are a couple pictures of the decorations and then a couple of us working on our projects.
And now, six months later...
As soon as he wakes up every morning, Griffin goes straight to the advent calendar to collect his prize for the day. Some days it is candy, sometimes it is something fun for us to do together (like the Polar Express movie night at Fort Sanders this past Friday) and other days it is something little I've found at the dollar store. For his half birthday it was a $5 Target gift card--I expected him to ask to go to Target right after school, but instead he calculated how much money he now has when he adds the gift card to the money already in his piggy bank. Maybe we have finally taught him that it's better to save your money for something bigger rather than spending it as soon as you get it?!
I would have liked to have joined him for lunch at school to make it a more special day, but I couldn't get away from my own school. I did make one of Griffin's favorite meals for dinner and then we had HALF a cake to celebrate!
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