Griffin has been so excited about turning four! He has been talking about it for months, and has said so many funny things with regards to his birthday. He has told us that he'll start trying lots of things (like soup, mac & cheese, corn, and more) when he turns four. When he was sick a few weeks earlier, he said he hoped he wouldn't be sick for his birthday because he wouldn't get to have a party and then he'd be three forever!
The big day finally arrived on Thursday and he was ready! Griffin spent the first half of his special day at VBS. We had lunch at home and I had a cupcake for him so he could make his first birthday wish.

He had a swim lesson later that afternoon (only his fifth lesson). Now that he was four years old, he decided he'd be very brave jumping in, putting his face in the water, and even dog paddling a little. After his lesson, we picked up Daddy and the babies and went to dinner at Pero's on the Hill. Griffin had been begging all afternoon to open a present. We took one small present with us and let him open it while we waited for our food. After splitting a pizza, we went to Sweet CeCe's for frozen yogurt. Then it was back home to open his other presents.

On Saturday afternoon, we had a pirate-themed party at The Little Gym. The kids had fun jumping on the airmat, playing Disappearing Islands, searching for treasure, playing Hide & Seek, and more. All of the kids were on the move so much that it was hard to get many cute pictures!
Griffin didn't open presents at The Little Gym so we invited our families over for a pizza party and present opening that evening. Griffin also got to make one last birthday wish.

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