We finally got to bring Hudson home on Friday, May 6th--the babies were 3 weeks and 1 day old. Matt, Baylor, and I spent several hours at Children's waiting for the official discharge orders. By the time we actually left, it was about 3:30 in the afternoon. We decided to go straight to Griffin's school to pick him up. Matt went in to get him while I waited in the car with the babies (and took this picture of them loaded in the car together).

The look on Griffin's face was priceless when he came out and found both
of his brothers there to ride home with him. I missed the ear-to-ear grin but I did get this picture of him peering over the seats to see his brothers.

Once we got home, we put the babies in one of the cribs together. This was the first time they'd been together since coming into the world.

Griffin had a bit of a hard time when Matt or I would be gone in the afternoons and especially at bedtime because we were visiting Hudson at the hospital. On the night we got Hudson home, he said, "Now no one has to go to the hospital...we can all be home together...happily ever after!"
Hudson came home two days before Mother's Day--that was the perfect Mother's Day gift. I hate that I didn't get someone to take a picture of me holding both babies on Mother's Day, but we did get this picture of Griffin holding a baby (Baylor) for the first time. This is one of my all-time favorite pictures now.
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