Griffin & his brothers

Snow Day!

We have crazy weather here in East Tennessee! After 60 degree temps on Sunday, we had a decent amount of snow on Monday. We took Griffin to a field in the neighborhood to go sledding. We started out on a pretty big hill and Matt & I took turns riding with him. Then we decided to let him try it by himself on a much smaller hill. He loved it! Uncle Jason and Harper were with us, and Harper wanted to try sledding by herself after she saw Griffin do it by himself. Then we let the two of them ride together--this was apparently the best of all because they both squealed with delight all the way down. They took several more trips down the hill together before we called it a day.
Griffin also had fun throwing snowballs and climbing on the "snowmen" that the big kids didn't finish.
After all of that fun, we stopped by Weezy's house so she could see Griffin in the snow. Griffin hadn't tried to eat any snow when we were at the field, but he suddenly got the idea as soon as we got to Weezy's house. He decided he liked it--he ate quite a bit himself and then wanted to feed some to Weezy.

Fun at the Zoo

We had an unseasonably warm day last Sunday, so we took Griffin to the zoo. We hadn't been since the fall, and Griffin knows a lot more of the animals now. Some of the animals weren't out since it's winter (even though it felt like spring), but it was still a fun trip.
The zebras were right next to the fence so we were able to see them really well. When we were at the chimps' house, one chimp came right up to the glass and got nose-to-nose with Griffin. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the camera out fast enough to get a shot of it.
There is a whole kids' section at the Knoxville Zoo, but we have always skipped that part since Griffin hadn't really been big enough for it. But this time we let him go in the petting zoo and ride the slide by himself. He wasn't really sure what to do with the sheep and goats, but he loved the slide and wanted to do it over and over!