Griffin & his brothers

Basketball Game

Griffin loves basketball! He loves to play basketball, watch other kids play basketball, watch basketball on TV, and wear anything that has a basketball on it. Sunday before last was the last home UT basketball game so we took Griffin. The game was at noon which meant that it would be going into nap time. We didn't expect to stay for the whole game, but Griffin hung in until the very end. He had a great time clapping with the crowd and dancing to the music from the band. He was also excited to see the "Mokey" mascot (his pronounciation of Smokey).

Park Fun

We had a perfect spring day here Saturday before last, so Mimi and Harper went to the park with us. Griffin and Harper are so cute together now that they're really interacting with each other.

Griffin loved the big spiral slide and went down it over and over.

He also loved the pole that spiraled around to create rungs for climbing. After watching Griffin do it several times, Harper decided she wanted to try it too. Here's a picture of the two of them at the top.We also had fun with bubbles. Griffin prefers blowing the bubbles to trying to catch them.