Griffin & his brothers

Family Fun

A bunch of Griffin's cousins were in town from Nashville and Port St. Lucie, FL this weekend. We all got together at Aunt Patricia and Uncle Ralph's house for a fun afternoon. Patricia and Ralph had a big blow-up water slide set up in their backyard. Griffin couldn't climb up all by himself and I couldn' lift him all the way to the top, so I kept hoisting him up as high as I could and letting him slide down. He loved it! He went down on his bottom, on his tummy with his feet first, and even on his tummy head-first.

In a family with so many girls, the boys have to stick together! Chance wanted to play with Griffin just as much as Griffin wanted to try to keep up with Chance. Griffin had a blast and kept asking me the whole way home, "Where are cousins?" and "What cousins doing?" He was so worn out from playing that he didn't get up until 8:15 this morning (about an hour later than usual)!

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